Time Blocking 101

Having trouble with fitting everything in?

It may be because you have too much going on or it could also be that you are making the most of your time and really planning for what needs to get done. It could also be that you’re a busy mom building a business with kids running around like me!

And yes, it may be a combination so first and foremost, make a list of the things you are committed to as of today (everything from kids practices, etc. to workouts to other organizations). Take a look and decide if it fits with your priorities. If you no longer enjoy it and there is no real benefit, mark it off the list and let go of that commitment. (Yes I know this is easier said than done, trust me I should probably do this myself again,  but for now just go with it for this practice). There will be items left on the list that some of you may not truly enjoy but benefits your family, etc. and is necessary so those things have to stay.

Business tools and notebook with time blocking notes on desk

Next, write out your schedule as outlined below:

  • For this example let's say you wake up at 5 AM and go to bed at 10 PM each night.

             Day/Time    Sunday    Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Saturday

5:00 AM    

6:00 AM    

7:00 AM    

8:00 AM    

9:00 AM    

10:00 AM    

  • You get the idea, so days of the week across the top and times at the bottom. You can write this down or use your electronic calendar (or write it, fine tune it, then put it in your phone)

  • I encourage you to use your phone as it's probably ALWAYS with you so the best place for your schedules and to -do lists.

  • Add in all of your non-negotiables, i.e. children's activities you must be at, work hours, church, grocery store, getting ready, family time, workouts, etc. - anything that is IMPORTANT to you and MUST be done should be in the schedule.

  • Next, add in the things you like to do i.e. not necessary but fun (so family time may be necessary but going out to a local winery may be fun but not necessary - can you tell I live among so many great wineries!)

  • Now, look and see where the breaks are…. And yes there should be some (if you're truly working on the same thing every day from 5 AM to 10 PM then we have other things to address). This doesn't mean you're not "busy" the whole time but time spent with family, etc. are still breaks from your typical work day.  For example, I get a break from my work every day when I do pickup from preschool and lunch with my youngest two but it’s not a “break” in the sense of sitting down and relaxing. It is a mental break in the day though.

I would suggest that you start doing this each week (maybe on Sundays when you're preparing for the week) and share with your spouse/partner/friend so they know what your plans are for the week as well and can help/share in that process. You can even share it electronically so everyone who it affects can see those activities!

Next question I'll get is that some of you filled it to the brim and there is no time…. It may hard to swallow but you're involved in too much and that's coming from someone who struggles with this DAILY! I am almost always overcommitted and cannot figure out how to sit down and just relax - i always have to be doing something…. It's hard for those of you who are people pleasers but believe it or not, you don't have to say yes to things that won't further your goals and if someone gets upset with you about that, that's a reflection of them, not you so trust your gut before saying yes! I am working on this everyday as I write this.


To-Do Lists


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